Repair Area
For the proper organization and convenience of the GTU overhauling it is used repair areas which meet a variety of requirements.
The main requirements on the repair areas include the following:
• Sufficient free space of the room, which is needed for the location of the assembly units and individual parts removed from the GTU, as well as the equipment and accessories necessary for the repair operations.
• For the area service and movement of the heavy GTU components and repair hardware, suitable lifting equipment must be installed.
• The area must be well lit, including the main and additional lighting, have electrical wiring with the ability to connect all types of repair equipment.
• In the room with the repair area, ventilation and heating have to be provided to create proper working conditions for the personnel involved in the repair process.
An arrangement of the repair areas must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the repair technical conditions, repair manuals, instructions, rules, and other normative documents.
As a rule, at such objects, primary works which include engine disassembly, defects identification, and assembling are carried out.
The instrumentation and area equipment may vary, but it is very important that the ultrasonic cleaning baths for parts and components, calibration stand (for valves, burners), rotor balancing stand, tool kits are installed and special accessories are available.
A number of disassembled components requiring complex repair and refurbishment can be sent to specialized subcontractors to perform these works.
Properly arranged and equipped repair areas are the key to high-quality overhaul; they provide reducing of the repair time and equipment downtime, saving of the transportation, labor and other types of costs.